Meeting Time: October 15, 2024 at 6:00pm PDT

Agenda Item


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    Angela Wilson at October 15, 2024 at 9:42am PDT

    At South Bay Children's Health Center, we continue to stand in strong opposition to a 0.50 or 0.75 FAR for BCHD and fully support a uniform 1.25 FAR. A uniform 1.25 FAR ensures that public organizations like BCHD have the capacity to meet the evolving needs of our community, particularly in providing crucial health services.

    Beyond mental health support, BCHD offers a comprehensive range of programs that serve as foundational pillars for the well-being of our community. Their services extend to preventive care, wellness programs, and essential health education, all of which are indispensable in fostering a resilient and healthy community. These programs not only improve individual lives but also enhance the collective well-being of our community, making it a more vibrant and supportive place for all.

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    Karen Skaff at October 15, 2024 at 8:05am PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR.

    As a lifetime resident of the South Bay, it makes no sense to cut the funding to organizations such as Beach Cities Health District. The variety of programs for residents of ALL ages is undeniably the best in Southern California. Seniors (my group) are able to access a well-equipped fitness facility at little or no cost (Silver Sneakers and other sponsors make this possible). Teens have access to programs to help steer them through the some of their most difficult challenges (remember peer pressure, questions you couldn't ask your parents, pimples??). I volunteered as a family planning counselor for 20 years at South Bay Free Clinic. Please believe me, I've heard more than my share! Don't let BCHD teen programs disappear!

    From personal experience, BCHD offered a "prehab" class for residents who planned to go through joint replacement surgery. This six-week program of well organized classes led by professionals (e.g., physical and occupational therapists and a registered dietitian to name just two) and strength training led by BCHD personal trainers made my rehabilitation after knee replacement surgery much less difficult. I still Jazzercise(R) five or six days a week, and credit BCHD with giving me a "leg up" to keep moving!

    Anyone reading this comment that doesn't understand how much BCHD does for ALL AGES needs to take a look at the BCHD website and marvel at the fabulous programs that COULD be cut. There is no better use of the Prospect Avenue property!

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    Stacy Straus at October 15, 2024 at 7:29am PDT

    My family receives services at BCHC and would like to see the services continue if not expand. Specifically, Alcove. Mental health is health and having this service immediately accessible changed the trajectory for my daughter during a very vulnerable time. Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR.

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    Kari Chatterji at October 15, 2024 at 6:33am PDT

    We need BCHD to continue its important work here in the BeachCities. Please stop getting in their way! I urge City Council to support and partner with BCHD rather than create challenges for them. In my world everyone appreciates and support their plans for the healthy living campus and depends on their services which spans multi generations. We need these services now more than ever.
    Do the right thing and get behind and support our beloved BCHD. Let then develop and grow. They are not being at all unreasonable in their plans but frankly the city council is and I’m pretty disappointed at the lack of collaboration and forward thinking by our city council members.

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    Glenn McNutt at October 15, 2024 at 6:20am PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR.

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    Robert Fortunato at October 15, 2024 at 5:37am PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR.

    I am a local resident who is helping the BCHD with sustainability and cost containment efforts for the Healthy Living Campus. We are bringing innovations, like all-electric construction vehicles and off site modular construction (and many others), to be sensitive to neighbors concerns and reduce localized pollution, noise and vibration. Any change to the FAR this late in the planning cycle is very costly, and if not applied uniformly appears arbitrary and punitive. Therefore, I support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. Thank you.

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    Jane Hyman at October 14, 2024 at 10:49pm PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR.
    As a long-time volunteer for the Beach Cities Health District (BCHD), starting when my children began kindergarten, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the positive impact BCHD has on our community. From programs like the walking school bus, nutrition education, and mindful eating, to gardening and healthy living initiatives, BCHD has played a vital role in promoting well-being for all of us.
    Maintaining a uniform FAR of 1.25 for BCHD is crucial. It ensures they have the flexibility to continue adapting to the ever-changing health needs of our community. Reducing the FAR to .5 or even .75 would hinder their ability to serve us effectively. We must stand together to support BCHD and protect their ability to deliver essential health programs for the benefit of everyone in Redondo Beach and beyond.

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    Paige Lapen at October 14, 2024 at 10:25pm PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR. BCHD stands out as a shining star in our community for its commitment to promoting community health through a wide range of services and initiatives that prioritize prevention and wellness. Their focus on education and outreach empowers individuals of all ages to take charge of their health, fostering a healthier community overall. Additionally, BCHD's collaborative approach engages local organizations and residents, ensuring that health resources are accessible and tailored to the community's unique needs. We should be encouraging the growth of this organization to ensure future generations continue to benefit.

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    Kathy Wunderli at October 14, 2024 at 10:12pm PDT

    I am a Redondo Beach Resident and I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR. BCHD offers so many wonderful programs. I am especially impressed with the allcove program and have heard many powerful stories of how this program has positively impacted our youth. Any organization that can proactively support our children and young adults has my full support.

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    Arinna Shelby at October 14, 2024 at 9:02pm PDT

    I am writing in support of the Beach Cities Health District’s Healthy Living Campus. The Planning Commission has proposed a 0.50 FAR for the property in the General Plan update while other City properties which have the same land use designation are allowed a 1.25 FAR. If this proposal is accepted, it would make it impossible for BCHD to provide much needed services for our community - a wellness center for our kids, a gym so people can maintain their fitness, a senior living facility for the rapidly expanding population that requires that level of care, a social work program for disabled and older adults, and a Blue Zones Project that promotes healthy aging. Furthermore, if this proposal is accepted, BCHD will no longer be able to generate needed revenue through leases that support current programs and services. It seems fairly obvious that not only is the campus development on the chopping block, but BCHD itself is being hobbled in its ability to provide current services. Do NOT let this happen! BCHD supports physical health and mental well being throughout the lifespan in the Beach Cities. It has had resounding success in creating a model Blue Zones community. To treat this organization differently than other city properties is not only grossly unfair, it is downright malicious. The vast majority of South Bay residents support the work of BCHD. It is only a small but vocal minority who are trying to kill it. Please preserve this valuable community resource. Restore the 1.25 FAR. Thank you.

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    Lisa Falk at October 14, 2024 at 8:50pm PDT

    I oppose spot zoning for BCHD's request for 1.25 FAR. As a homeowner and 35 year Redondo Beach resident, this is inappropriate for our neighborhood. BCHD's poor decision making includes the expansion of their allcove services across LA County without operating funds to provide those services to 250,000 12-25 year olds. BCHD's own market research reports show that their oversized assisted living facility will be 80% used by nonresidents - and the cost of care in their facility will be out of reach of most RB seniors at over $200K per year. The huge BCHD development, to provide services to non-taxpayers on our taxpayer owned land, is not right. Please preserve our neighborhood: uphold the lower FAR to maintain our current quality of life in surrounding neighborhoods!

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    Jeff Gaul at October 14, 2024 at 8:19pm PDT

    Director Chatterji is right in giving youth a place to recreate in an otherwise busy and crowded environment. People of all ages thrive when they are connected to their community, as community is liberation. Redondo Beach has 12,000 people per square mile, more than the City of Long Beach, and approximately the same population density as the City of Chicago. Keep the requested size of BCHD as there is extremely limited space in Central and North Redondo Beach to begin with and it is wise to give our communities the space they need to maintain their personal health. Thank you.

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    Randall BERLER at October 14, 2024 at 8:09pm PDT

    We support directing the staff to analyze setting the FAR for BCHD at 1.25 and to treat the FAR for that site the same as proposed for the Civic Center. It should be understood that FAR limits are just one tool to ensure a project that provides for the important public benefits proposed by BCHD in a manner that mitigates impacts on the surrounding area. A design review process in combination with FAR can accomplish this without requiring too rigid an FAR.

    I viewed the presentation on FAR at the recent Planning Commission public hearing and it was not helpful to the Planning Commission understanding how FAR works. Buildings with the same FAR can have huge differences in their visual impacts depending on size and shapes of properties, setbacks, heights, steps taken to reduce the appearance of bulk, and many other factors. The examples provided to the Planning Commission were not at all comparable to the BCHD property and made no attempt to show how the same FAR can look very different depending on the design. Perhaps staff needs to look at examples of public buildings in other communities that are on properties comparable to BCHD. Perhaps some outside experts could help with this analysis.

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    Charlotte LazarMorrison at October 14, 2024 at 7:59pm PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR. BCHD offers very valuable services to the community that will be at risk if the 1.25 FAR is not adopted.

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    Wendy Vinzant at October 14, 2024 at 7:29pm PDT

    I am a Redondo Beach resident and I oppose a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD.

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    Vish Chatterji at October 14, 2024 at 7:13pm PDT

    Today, my wife led a meditation at allcove, the youth mental health center, created by BCHD. She led a group of kids that are going through disciplinary challenges through some deep relaxation exercises. Rather than suspending kids, allcove, partnering with our local school districts, provides a space and resources to help counsel and heal these kids within our community. I don't understand why we would try to limit the space available for such powerful community work to take place. BCHD's mission is "To optimize health for our Beach Cities community through innovative and inclusive programs, partnerships and spaces." We must ensure adequate "space" in order to have such community offerings continue. As we all know, real estate is a premium in the South Bay - we must have an FAR that better leverages land use to provide space for good work. Please keep it at 1.25. - Vish Chatterji, Former Director, Beach Cities Health District.

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    Steve Randall at October 14, 2024 at 6:34pm PDT

    We support the staff properly analyzing (with outside help if warranted) a 1.25 FAR on the BCHD property and reporting back to the council their findings. Getting really peeved at the BCHD propaganda machine and their supporters implying BCHD won't exist if the FAR isn't increased. That's a bunch of hogwash they're not going away. Their emails and marketing are disingenuous which makes rational people wonder what else they're not being honest about. And that one Board member (don't remember her name) who spoke to council at the last meeting on the subject falsely said your Planning Commission was warned by your city attorney to not target BCHD. That never happened she should be ashamed of herself. We wanted to see where that occurred trying to do more research on this and found that didn't happen and BCHD was never even mentioned. She should apologize.

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    Darryl Leong MD MPH at October 14, 2024 at 6:29pm PDT

    The BCHD is a public health agency for Redondo Beach other nearby communities that has the sole mission: “ To optimize health for our Beach Cities community through innovative and inclusive programs, partnerships and spaces.” It has an excellent track record of providing programs and leadership in improving the health and well-being of all people in its district. As we know that our health is dependent on an ever changing environment, the BCHD needs to have the flexibility like any other public health agency to respond to health risks that will undoubtedly occur in the future. Politics should not inhibit the BCHD’s ability to function as our local public health agency to serve ALL residents, not just some residents of Redondo Beach. While the issue at hand is the size of the FAR for the BCHD, the real issue is the health of the community. For this reason, I support the FAR level needed by the BCHD.

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    Lisa Rodriguez at October 14, 2024 at 6:24pm PDT

    I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR. Please support the open space that the new campus will provide and the ability for this outdated structure to come into earthquake safe compliance and allow BCHD to continue serving the greater good and assisting our communities to thrive. Please support the 1.25 FAR that is allowable and equitable for all.

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    Mary Drummer at October 14, 2024 at 6:17pm PDT

    I support a uniform FAR of 1.25 for all public institutions, which includes BCHD. I would have been sunk without the guidance of the social service department following my recent surgery! As a 19-year volunteer serving my neighbors of Redondo, Hermosa and Manhattan Beach, I have seen countless lives impacted by the vision, planning and action of this agency across all ages in the spectrum of life. To place a FAR of .5-without being studied- or even .75- which would make it the only entity in the City's public institutions to be so-is not in the best interest of the 3 beach cities. It serves only the small special interest group trying to prevent it, whose argument for the designation is based on wholesale lies and disinformation to intentionally mislead their neighbors to serve their own twisted agenda. A uniform, fair designation of 1.25 is THE only solution.