Meeting Time: October 15, 2024 at 6:00pm PDT


Tell us what's on your mind. Your comments will become part of the official public record. 

Agenda Item


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    Christen Sussin at October 15, 2024 at 5:06pm PDT

    I am also in favor of the expanded 1.25 FAR. BCHD has been a valuable resource for my family. My mother had exceptional care through their support programs, my mother-in-law uses the gym facilities regularly and I have enjoyed the volunteer run community groups as well as the outstanding Mental Health Courses offered. My job, working for a company that provides care to older adults, has also shown me first hand the positive impact on our clients and their caregivers. The additional green spaces and the larger FAR will help ensure that their wide range of exceptional services keep our community healthy and connected.

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    Sue Marshall at October 15, 2024 at 5:04pm PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR. I am a Redondo Beach home owner, a senior, and a volunteer for a BCHD program that serves seniors. Our community is incredibly fortunate to have the valuable programs offered through BCHD. It would be a loss for many people if BCHD were forced to cut programs because of the proposed change to the FAR described in agenda item L1.

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    Julie Henderson at October 15, 2024 at 4:08pm PDT

    I am a local homeowner and volunteer at BCHD, Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR. The BCHD older adult programs are extremely important to me and the people I volunteer for. These programs are on the top of the list of why I love living here and value my home. I've volunteered in other cities and I think our programs are special and help make our beach cities exceptional. I look forward to continuing to volunteer and eventually utilizing these programs as I age. Please do everything necessary to keep these valuable programs, Thank you!

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    Executive Director StopBCHDcom at October 15, 2024 at 4:03pm PDT

    We oppose a 1.25 FAR. Unless this is a SPOT UPZONING of BCHD, which is illegal, then all P/I sites will need to become 1.25 FAR. That should include schools, City land, BCHD, etc. That should result in 20-40 acres of new 1.25 FAR land, which will accommodate 1.5M to 3.0M sqft of development at max FAR.

    Surely no EIR can find that we can sustain the traffic, emissions, visual blight, aesthetic damage, etc. from having up to 3 million sqft of FAR 1.25 in what will generally be roughly 0.5 FAR.

    Hopefully the City isn't trying to stop a BCHD lawsuit, only to get a Citizen appeal and potential litigation for SPOT UPZONING on BCHD or damaging the City character and property values.

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    Niki Hoffmann at October 15, 2024 at 3:55pm PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR. In fact, I find it preposterous when the City is considering an exception of 1.25 FAR for the renovation of its own properties. I support the staff recommendation that the City Council should direct staff tonight to prepare an analysis to evaluate the process of potentially updating the EIR to cover a 1.25 FAR at the BCHD site.

    BCHD was a major factor and attraction to me when I moved to Redondo Beach eight years ago from another South Bay City. Since then, I have been a member of the Center for Health and Fitness and have benefited enormously from its plethora of services. I attend excellent classes, which not only keeps me physically fit and active; it also provides invaluable social and emotional benefits.

    I also volunteer which provides a sense of purpose, commensurate with the Blue Zones mission. It also provides a sense of community that is vital—especially for older adults.

    It would be unconscionable to curtail or terminate any of BCHD’s programs or activities which provide invaluable benefits to individuals of all ages.

    Incidentally, I was at the Torrance UCLA cardiology department yesterday. Some of the technicians indicated they’ve had patients that raved about the benefits of BCHD’s CHF.

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    Maggie Healy at October 15, 2024 at 3:51pm PDT

    I strongly oppose this Council's attempt to limit the BCHD FAR to .5 as a move born out of pettiness and cronyism. The majority of residents support the BCHD and its plans to improve services, facilities and open space. The BCHD is one of the most helpful and vibrant organizations we currently have in our City. So I ask this City Council: Can we have nothing nice?! The Council has no good reason to take such punitive action against an organization that once was, and should continue to be a partner agency. During the 30 years I worked in management at the City, we worked to keep good relationships with organizations that helped our residents. We worked to improve programs that help residents. Now, I just have to ask, what the heck is happening to our fair City? Where is the leadership?!

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    CHRIS AHEARN at October 15, 2024 at 2:57pm PDT

    I oppose the lower FARs and support the 1.25. BCHD is an incredible resource that we are so lucky to have in Redondo Beach. Their plans for rebuilding and expanding will be assets to social, emotional, and financial life here. Their many social work and health programs are wonderful, thanks to gifted and hard working staff members. BCHD at 1.25 FAR is just as important as the ballot measures for facilities improvements for our police, fire, and schools. BCHD is an important part of my life as a homeowner here and my plans for the future. Please vote for the 1.25 FAR. Thank you

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    Michael Martin at October 15, 2024 at 2:53pm PDT

    The proposed FAR of 1.25 for city hall, police, and fire is much higher than necessary. Reduce to 0.5.
    Commercialization of public land is not automatically a valid public policy (or zoning) objective, however much the agency involved thirsts for money. Other money making schemes, such as grants, are appropriate mechanisms. The proposed RCFE would contribute <10% of BCHD budget, by itself it is not existential.
    The proposed allcove building lot is not zoned PI, the FAR discussion is irrelevant to that.
    One size fits all zoning is not "fair", it is simplistic. Current PI zoning is subdivided into multiple areas, BCHD fits in P-CF, keep it there.
    Height limits need to be specified also, not just FAR. Height directly affects the impact on neighborhoods.

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    Brenda OLeary at October 15, 2024 at 2:22pm PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR.

    After touring BCHD’s allcove recently, I’m so impressed by BCHD’s efforts to support mental health in our youth. This is very important to our community since our youth are experiencing a mental health crisis with 1 in 5 teens seriously considering suicide.

    I also support the addition of a new senior living facility to support the current 120 seniors living in Silverado as well as the rest of our community. Our seniors are the largest demographic in the South Bay and have helped build our community into what we are today. Now, as they age, they need our support. For-profit senior housing enhances a community, and seniors have the option of using their long-term care insurance to pay the monthly expenses. As our Boomer generation ages, it’s estimated we will need an additional one million senior housing units before the end of the decade. It’s nice to show support for our seniors close to home.


    Brenda O’Leary

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    Ann Hoover at October 15, 2024 at 2:18pm PDT

    Regarding :

    Floor to Area Ratio Cap for Beach Cities Health District Property
    (letter also attached in a word document)

    What a relief to discover what BCHD offers to seniors.

    After searching numerous agencies, BCHD stands out in the particular way they handle their outreach assistance to those who are stuck at home.

    I’m in my late eighties and no longer drive due to chronic pain. I would often worry about having enough food for the week. It was a challenge and a gamble counting on weekly help with groceries. I never was able to find consistent help. Enter Rudy Diaz from BCHD; a kind and caring social worker who has changed my life.

    At BCHD, they use an in-house match maker to fit your needs. I couldn't have picked a better match myself. My helper Ann, is warm and just a delight. She helps me weekly with groceries. Sometimes I go with her, or if I’m not feeling up to it, I send her a list. I never feel like a burden and the service allowed me to swallow my pride and accept that I needed regular help.

    Most importantly, their service is beneficial to one's mental health and that value is incalculable. Beach Cities Health District addresses this country's lack of regard for their most vulnerable demographic: The elderly. This service is a beam of light!

    One grateful octogenarian,

    Annie Hoover

    Redondo Beach 90277

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    Lisa Greenstone at October 15, 2024 at 1:48pm PDT

    As a Hermosa Beach resident for 18 years, mother of 2 teenagers, and as a parent advocate of youth mental health and wellness serving on various wellness councils in the community, BCHD has proven to be a critical and necessary public facility in the South Bay.

    I oppose the reduction in FAR from 1.25 to .50. The FAR for BCHD should align with other public buildings. Just as the fire department serves our needs in the crisis of a fire, BCHD is THE public community organization we call for a crisis in mental health.

    Between countless methods of youth outreach to all of our South Bay schools, the professional liaisons they provide during crisis intervention, the safe campus/ treatment solutions Allcove creates (and so much more) there is no other exceptional public facility that even compares to support our families. Thankfully, the outreach of BCHD continues to grow in response to the changing landscape of need.

    This arbitrary back-and-forth of FAR directly hinders such incredible and productive outreach to a community ASKING for the resources.

    Another reduction in FAR (after BCHD has already met the 1.25 parameter) is targeted and displays a direct disregard for the health and wellness of our local community as a whole.

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    Lee Phillips at October 15, 2024 at 12:59pm PDT


    I support 0.50 FAR for Public Institutional land as recommended by the Planning Commission and oppose a high 1.25 FAR that would damage neighborhoods.

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    Lee Ann Farmer at October 15, 2024 at 12:44pm PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR. I am a program provider for allcove, and have witnessed the tremendous impact they are having on our local youth. Allcove provides a safe space and a variety of services in one place, making it easy for at-risk youth to get the help they need. I live one block from BCHD, and am more than willing to endure a bit more noise and traffic if it means these services will continue.

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    Paula Dobin at October 15, 2024 at 12:37pm PDT

    First, I must say the description of Agenda Item L.1 is quite confusing, as seen by the comments who OPPOSE a lower FAR but indicated support of of the Agenda item. I, like many others here, OPPOSE a lower FAR and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD and support the recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR. The FAR should be uniformly applied across all properties with a public or institutional (P) land use designation in the General Plan and/or zoned P-CF of which BCHD, the Police Department and City Annex are all a part. Otherwise, it seems arbitrary.
    Having BCHD services in our community is a major attraction for families who want to live in an area that demonstrates how it cares for the community it serves. Access to the programs BCHD provides was one of the reasons why I decided to buy a house in Redondo. Their leadership and foresight provide preventative care services, as well as ongoing programs to support all age groups in the South Bay. When my mom lived in Manhattan Beach, she benefitted from BCHD’s volunteers and social services which kept her active in her community and brought great comfort to me and during Covid, I I was so impressed by their various efforts to provide solutions during a scary and difficult time, such as testing, vaccinations, and caring for our homebound seniors, that I became a volunteer myself and continue to do so. Everyone should be encouraging the growth and development of programs and institutions like BCHD, who are thoughtful and work to ensure ours is a community that strives to have us all thrive.

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    Traci Saruwatari at October 15, 2024 at 12:24pm PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR. I am a coalition partner with AllCove at BCHD and we support all services that they provide. BCHD provides a comprehensive range of programs that help to set the foundation for the well-being of the community. Their services for the youth help to provide education and wellness programming that enhance the lives of the youth that they serve.

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    Ronson Chu at October 15, 2024 at 12:20pm PDT

    My son and his friends are looking forward to using the ALLCove at BCHD. Additionally, BCHD has been a great asset to our communities when it comes to senior citizens and health care in general. I oppose the attempt to limit BCHD's use of the space. I support a 1.25 FAR for the BCHD property.

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    Linda Nutile at October 15, 2024 at 11:17am PDT

    I support the city staff review of the BCHD design with a 1.25 FAR. I would like BCHD to submit a revised, smaller growth plan which substantially addresses the concerns community members have raised on this project. I would also love to see collaboration with the city since BCHD is designed to support the community, not fight with them or threaten to sue the city if they don't get their way. Maybe some sort of mediation is possible.

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    Angela Wilson at October 15, 2024 at 9:42am PDT

    At South Bay Children's Health Center, we continue to stand in strong opposition to a 0.50 or 0.75 FAR for BCHD and fully support a uniform 1.25 FAR. A uniform 1.25 FAR ensures that public organizations like BCHD have the capacity to meet the evolving needs of our community, particularly in providing crucial health services.

    Beyond mental health support, BCHD offers a comprehensive range of programs that serve as foundational pillars for the well-being of our community. Their services extend to preventive care, wellness programs, and essential health education, all of which are indispensable in fostering a resilient and healthy community. These programs not only improve individual lives but also enhance the collective well-being of our community, making it a more vibrant and supportive place for all.

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    Karen Skaff at October 15, 2024 at 8:05am PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR.

    As a lifetime resident of the South Bay, it makes no sense to cut the funding to organizations such as Beach Cities Health District. The variety of programs for residents of ALL ages is undeniably the best in Southern California. Seniors (my group) are able to access a well-equipped fitness facility at little or no cost (Silver Sneakers and other sponsors make this possible). Teens have access to programs to help steer them through the some of their most difficult challenges (remember peer pressure, questions you couldn't ask your parents, pimples??). I volunteered as a family planning counselor for 20 years at South Bay Free Clinic. Please believe me, I've heard more than my share! Don't let BCHD teen programs disappear!

    From personal experience, BCHD offered a "prehab" class for residents who planned to go through joint replacement surgery. This six-week program of well organized classes led by professionals (e.g., physical and occupational therapists and a registered dietitian to name just two) and strength training led by BCHD personal trainers made my rehabilitation after knee replacement surgery much less difficult. I still Jazzercise(R) five or six days a week, and credit BCHD with giving me a "leg up" to keep moving!

    Anyone reading this comment that doesn't understand how much BCHD does for ALL AGES needs to take a look at the BCHD website and marvel at the fabulous programs that COULD be cut. There is no better use of the Prospect Avenue property!

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    Stacy Straus at October 15, 2024 at 7:29am PDT

    My family receives services at BCHC and would like to see the services continue if not expand. Specifically, Alcove. Mental health is health and having this service immediately accessible changed the trajectory for my daughter during a very vulnerable time. Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR.