Meeting Time: July 14, 2022 at 6:30pm PDT

Agenda Item

Budget and Finance Commission meetings are broadcast live through Spectrum Cable, Channel 8, and Frontier Communications, Channel 41. Live streams and indexed archives of meetings are available via internet. Visit the City's office website at TO WATCH MEETING LIVE ON CITY'S WEBSITE: *Click "In Progress" hyperlink under Video section of meeting TO WATCH MEETING LIVE ON YOUTUBE: TO JOIN ZOOM MEETING (FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ONLY): Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you are participating by phone, be sure to provide your phone # when registering. You will be provided a Toll Free number and a Meeting ID to access the meeting. Note; press # to bypass Participant ID. Attendees will be muted until the public participation period is opened. When you are called on to speak, press *6 to unmute your line. Note, comments from the public are limited to 3 minutes per speaker. eCOMMENT: COMMENTS MAY BE ENTERED DIRECTLY ON WEBSITE AGENDA PAGE: 1) Public comments can be entered before and during the meeting. 2) Select a SPECIFIC AGENDA ITEM to enter your comment; 3) Public will be prompted to Sign-Up to create a free personal account (one-time) and then comments may be added to each Agenda item of interest. 4) Public comments entered into eComment (up to 2200 characters; equal to approximately 3 minutes of oral comments) will become part of the official meeting record. Comments may be read out loud during the meeting. EMAIL: TO PARTICIPATE BY WRITTEN COMMUNICATION WITH ATTACHED DOCUMENTS BEFORE 3PM DAY OF MEETING: Written materials that include attachments pertaining to matters listed on the posted agenda received after the agenda has been published will be added as supplemental materials under the relevant agenda item. Email