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Agenda Item

J.2. PC20-1337 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND TITLE 10, CHAPTER 5 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES IN THE COASTAL ZONE, CONSISTENT WITH STATE LAW AND AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES CONSISTENT WITH STATE LAW AND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A FINDING THAT THE AMENDMENTS ARE STATUTORILY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PROCEDURES: a) Open Public Hearing, administer oath to the public, take testimony, and deliberate; b) Close Public Hearing; and c) Adopt a resolution by title only recommending that the City Council amend Title 10 Chapter 5 of the Municipal Code pertaining to accessory dwelling units in residential zones in the Coastal Zone consistent with State law with a finding that the amendments are statutorily exempt from CEQA; and d) Adopt a resolution by title only recommending that the City Council amend Title 10 Chapter 2 of the Municipal Code pertaining to Accessory Dwelling Units in residential zones consistent with State law with a finding that the amendments are statutorily exempt from CEQA.

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    Bruce Bernard over 4 years ago

    I have four questions about the proposed ordinances:
    1) Do the proposed ordinances allow for multi-story streamlined ADUs on lots which have a single-family residence, or on which a single-family residence will be built?
    2) What sections of the proposed ordinances addresses the number of stories allowed for Streamlined ADUs?
    3) If the ordinances do not address the number of stories allowed for Streamlined ADUs, are the proposed ordinances compliant with State ADU laws?
    4) Should the proposed ordinances be revised to address the number of stories allowed for streamlined ADUs?
    Reasons for the questions:
    In the BACKGROUND section of the Administrative Report, at the top of page 9 (page 60 of the .pdf agenda file) it says “Cannot limit number of stories in streamlined ADUs."
    At the bottom of the page under the heading “Streamlined ADUs” it says: “regardless of any other provisions, a City must approve applications for streamlined ADUs that meet the following standards, and may not impose any other standards.”
    However, on the next page, which has a summary of the items on boxes, there is no mention of the requirement for a City’s ordinance to not limit the number of stories of streamlined ADUs. Only the 16-foot height minimum is shown on the page.
    There is no mention in the proposed resolutions, that, for streamlined ADUs, the number of stories cannot be limited.
    I look forward to hearing the answers to the above questions.
    Thank you.
    Bruce Bernard
    712 Elvira Avenue #B
    Redondo Beach