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Agenda Item

1. No person shall address the Commission without first securing the permission of the Chairperson; provided, however, that permission shall not be refused except for a good cause. 2. Speakers may be sworn in by the Chairperson. 3. After a motion is passed or a hearing closed, no person shall address the Commission on the matter without first securing permission of the Chairperson. 4. Each person addressing the Commission shall step up to the lectern and clearly state his/her name and city for the record, the subject he/she wishes to discuss, and proceed with his/her remarks. 5. Unless otherwise designated, remarks shall be limited to three (3) minutes on any one agenda item. The time may be extended for a speaker(s) by the majority vote of the Commission. 6. In situations where an unusual number of people wish to speak on an item, the Chairperson may reasonably limit the aggregate time of hearing or discussion, and/or time for each individual speaker, and/or the number of speakers. Such time limits shall allow for full discussion of the item by interested parties or their representative(s). Groups are encouraged to designate a spokesperson who may be granted additional time to speak. 7. No person shall speak twice on the same agenda item unless permission is granted by a majority of the Commission. 8. Speakers are encouraged to present new evidence and points of view not previously considered, and avoid repetition of statements made by previous speakers. 9. All remarks shall be addressed to the Planning Commission as a whole and not to any member thereof. No questions shall be directed to a member of the Planning Commission or the City staff except through, and with the permission of, the Chairperson. 10. Speakers shall confine their remarks to those which are relevant to the subject of the hearing. Attacks against the character or motives of any person shall be out of order. The Chairperson, subject to appeal to the Commission, shall be the judge of relevancy and whether character or motives are being impugned. 11. The public participation portion of the agenda shall be reserved for the public to address the Planning Commission regarding problems, question, or complaints within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. 12. Any person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks, or who shall become boisterous while addressing the Commission, shall be forthwith barred from future audience before the Commission, unless permission to continue be granted by the Chairperson. 13. The Chairperson, or majority of the members present, may at any time request that a police officer be present to enforce order and decorum. The Chairperson or such majority may request that the police officer eject from the place of meeting or place under arrest, any person who violates the order and decorum of the meeting. 14. In the event that any meeting is willfully interrupted so as to render the orderly conduct of such meeting unfeasible and order cannot be restored by the removal of individuals willfully interrupting the meeting, the Commission may order the meeting room cleared and continue its session in accordance with the provisions of Government Code subsection 54957.9 and any amendments.