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    Wayne Craig over 4 years ago

    At a recent City Council meeting the City Attorney made false statements about my letter detailing Riviera Village restaurants violating the Covid-19 rules. To be perfectly clear, all the facts detailed in that letter were verified by numerous sources.

    In his comments that night Mr. Webb implied what I wrote was libelous or “sort of libelous” which is a legal term I am not familiar.

    I urge Mr. Webb to again read what I submitted as there was nothing remotely libelous in it.

    In this time of crisis and now civil unrest, I suggest Mr. Webb take more care to avoid making incorrect statements about comments submitted by the public, even if he doesn’t like the facts.

    At the very least an apology is in order, especially after his false statements about me have been spread by some in social media.

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    Zein Obagi Jr over 4 years ago

    Hi, I just wanted wanted to express the immense gratitude to our Redondo Beach Fire and Police Department during these unprecedented, and at times, tumultuous times. They have been a constant throughout COVID19, serving our community without missing a beat and and now with public gatherings and the threat of violence, they still do their job diligently, as part of this community. I also want to thank Mayor Brand - your Facebook live broadcasts have been hugely informative. You're the only news anchor diligently covering everything Redondo, and continuing to leading the way to try to retire, once and for all, that darn ugly, unhealthy, and coastal-water warming power plant. Thank you Mayor Brand for being the awesome, honest and courageous leader of our City.