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    Mike Caputo almost 5 years ago

    Strongly OPPOSE. LACnty LG Baywatch do an awesome job and are good at it. But if you reduce Harbor Patrol, you will be stretching Baywatch resources too thin. Baywatch priority is outside the harbor assisting beach LG with beach rescues and patrolling the waters from south side of PV, west to Catalina, north to Channel Islands and then back to the LACnty/ Ventura border.
    Every harbor in Los Angeles Cnty has a fire department presence with their first priority is inside the harbor they are located in. MDR has LA Cnty FD, Port of LA has LACity FD, Port of Long Beach has LBFD and King Harbor should have RBFD Harbor Patrol on for 24 hours just like the other harbors.

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    Skylar Caputo almost 5 years ago

    We need harbor patrol for water safety. They are essential to the well being of the Redondo Beach Harbor.