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    John Parr almost 5 years ago

    Please read out loud after Chad K

    What up council, my name is JT Parr. Chad just hit the nail right on the head and fired me up. He’s absolutely right, we ARE in a pandemic, and Tom Cruise IS the hero we need right now.
    Let me be vulnerable for a sec… this pandemic has scared me. And Chad says that’s okay.
    But growing up I didn’t get scared of stuff like this. I was only scared of report cards and intimacy. But in general I would look death in the face. Like rip on a dirtbike, roll down a steep hill with my body limp. Or moon traffic. And it always fired people up. As I’ve aged I’ve noticed that I don’t push it as hard. I worry I’ve lost my edge.
    One person who sharpens my edge though is Tom Cruise. When I watch his behind the scenes training for Collateral, I suddenly forget what fear is and I take charge and hustle to a busy intersection to moon people. I feel whole again.
    This may sound frivolous but there is power in letting it rip council. In these times more than ever we need someone to fill our hearts with courage. A symbol that says even if we’re stuck inside, a determined human can still go farther than any other actor would dare.

    My mom is from Colombia. When I came downstairs this morning for breakfast and told her about our plan for the space station she mentioned Tom Cruise is huge in her homeland and the world over. This is extra huge cause China and the US are beefing. Our mutual love of Tom could quell that. Maybe one day, Hong Kong’s own adventurer thespian, Jackie Chan will go to space and we can name something after him.
    Let’s give the world something to look up to.

    I’d also like to sing a song that always fires me up council

    Three little birds sat on my window
    And they told me I don't need to worry
    Summer came like cinnamon, so sweet
    Little girls, double-dutch on the concrete
    Maybe sometimes we got it wrong, but it's all right
    The more things seems to change, the more they stay the same
    Ooo, don't you hesitate
    Girl, put your records on, tell me your favorite song
    You go ahead, let your hair down
    Sapphire and faded jeans
    I hope you get your dreams
    Just go ahead, let your hair down
    You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow

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    Chad Kroeger almost 5 years ago

    What up Council, my name is Chad Kroeger.  I’m an activist and stoke lord.  I come to you in the gnarliest of times.  I don’t know if you’ve looked outside… but it’s pretty nuts.  There’s something called a pandemic going on.  When the q-tine first happened, I managed to stay stoked.  I didn’t have to work and the president gave me 1200 bones.  But then, it started to kinda suck.  The beaches closed, my buddy Dolan’s gf broke up with him over his Call of Duty addiction, and J Crew went bankrupt.  It was deleterious to my tan, my bro’s love life, and my summer shirt collection.  I was ready to throw in the towel and let rona sadness take over my body.  And then something incredible happened.  They announced Tom Cruise was making his next movie… in space.  As soon as I heard this news I called my long lost love Lindsey Swirbalus and wished her all the best in her future endeavours.  But back to Tom, he’s not just an actor, he’s something else.  In a time when most bro’s are trapped indoors, Tom Cruise is going into the ionosphere ... he’s still crushing it 24/7, and observing the ultimate form of social distancing. He’s made us realize there’s nothing the c-virus or anything else can do to stop humans from persevering to the greatest of heights and accomplishments. This is why we need to honor this Maverick by renaming the International Space Station the Tom Cruise Space Station.  Let this image enter your domes, council.  We’ve got Tom Cruise floating out there in his suit, memorizing his lines, and what does he see?  “Tom fricken Cruise” in big bold letters on the side.  That’s gonna fire him up to do a better performance, which will lead to a better film, which will lead to a happier planet.  And, in all honesty, I believe a stoked Tom Cruise will bring Earth’s vibrations back to an equilibrium.  We can do this, America.  All it takes is a rocket and some paint.  It’s now in your hands, city of Redondo Beach.  Thank you.