Meeting Time: February 20, 2025 at 6:30pm PST

Agenda Item


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    Linda Dufresne at February 18, 2025 at 12:39pm PST

    I live at and own the property behind this property. I am directly affected as they will be building a three-story home behind my house. Which I thought was not allowed in Redondo Beach!I am very opposed to this being allowed because one, they are offering two visitor parking spaces for 43 units. The parking situation on El Redondo is already bad with the high school and additional units on the street. Where will these people be parking of course on El Redondo Avenue! This making it insanely ridiculous to park in front of my own house! We are one of the only streets left not to have permit parking. We chose to do so to give the kids and parents from the school somewhere to park, but this may have to change if this is allowed.I am one of the two houses which will not only lose our view and have someone's window directly behind us, but you will also be reducing the value of my property! As far as I am aware, three story homes are not allowed to be built in Redondo Beach! Why is this even being considered? I am very opposed to this as my balcony which faces the small parking area in the alley will now have someone's window looking directly into my balcony and windows. I will now have no privacy whatsoever! My balcony will be useless, if this is allowed. If I choose to use my balcony I will also be looking into someone else’s windows therefore they have no privacy! I’m also concerned about the retaining wall behind my property, if this is damaged or taken down during the leveling of the property my entire yard will fall onto that property! I'm profoundly opposed to this happening!
    Please do not allow more than a two story building behind my property. As a resident of Redondo Beach my entire life. I am appalled that this is even being considered. Redondo Beach is beautiful city and hopefully we remain that way. I didn’t sign up to have monster units right up against my fence. Please consider the neighborhood , parking issues, and traffic before allowing this.

    Linda Dufresne
    809 El Redondo Ave