Meeting Time: December 19, 2024 at 6:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

J.1. PC24-2017 Public Hearing for consideration of an Exemption Declaration and Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a personal improvement service (fitness studio) in an approximately 2,600 square foot tenant space within an existing (under construction) mixed-use building (Legado Redondo) on property located at 1700 S. Pacific Coast Highway in a Mixed-Use (MU-3) zone. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open the public hearing, administer oath, take testimony from staff, the applicant and other interested parties, and deliberate; 2. Close the public hearing; and 3. Adopt the attached resolution by title only, waiving further reading: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF REDONDO BEACH ADOPTING AN EXEMPTION DECLARATION AND APPROVING THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT SERVICE (FITNESS STUDIO) WITHIN AN EXISTING (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) MIXED-USE BUILDING ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE MIXED-USE (MU-3) ZONE AT 1700 S. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY (CASE NO. CUP-2024-1674)