Meeting Time: October 15, 2024 at 6:00pm PDT


Tell us what's on your mind. Your comments will become part of the official public record. 

Agenda Item


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    AC Co at October 15, 2024 at 4:53pm PDT

    I hope our city council members and community members will put our kids first. If it’s good enough for PV, Manhattan, ES, and Hermosa, it’s good enough for Redondo. Delivery only method does not hinder access. If anything, it’s more convenient. Look at the facts:

    Delivery-only still lets the city collect revenue. Medicinal delivery has been legal in every city since January of 2024. Our city has simply not passed a tax code and leaves that revenue on the table every month. How about we fix that first?

    Second, the industry is financially not viable. It's triple taxed with state tax rates going up in 2025. The revenue that the state collects has a percentage going to tier 3 drug addiction/youth support etc..this is where that is at:

    Proposition 64, which legalized cannabis in California, mandated that of the 15% cannabis excise tax rate monies collected, 60% would go to fund Tier 3 (drug prevention programs). In 2023, as cannabis tax revenue continued to decline, a minimum threshold for cannabis tax revenue was set at $670 million dollars (an estimate based on past revenues and current declining revenues). A $150 million dollars from the General Fund was set aside as an emergency backfill should the $670 threshold not be met in order that our state be able to continue to support Tier 3 recipients. The $150 million from the General Fund, designed to last for three years, was used up within 9 months. There is no proposed state solution to support Tier 3 recipients as cannabis revenue continues to decline monthly up and down the state.

    Finally, the revenue that our city would collect, 3-5%, would have 1% going back to community development, which is typically monies decided upon by the industry going to places where they want to make inroads (chamber of commmerace etc...). Our D1 councilman proposed that the Riviera village fun runs be sponsored by cannabis companies this normalizes cannabis for youth and is unacceptable.

    No funds in this ordinance are designated to go to any schools.

    Let’s put our youth, especially those at most risk first, by sticking to a delivery-only method.

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    Lauren Carpenter at October 15, 2024 at 4:31pm PDT

    Honorable Mayor, Esteemed Councilmembers and Staff,

    Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on the City’s ongoing efforts to solidify a prudent path forward for retail cannabis in Redondo Beach.

    To streamline Staff’s review efforts and to avoid redundancy, we are writing in support of the modifications included in the letter submitted by Adamant Law Group and its esteemed clients including The Artist Tree. While we are competitors in the market, we have come together in providing suggested revisions based on collective experience across most of the state’s merit-based licensing processes.

    As one of California’s leading cannabis retailers, we believe strongly in the importance of a transparent, clear and merit-based applicant review process. Thank you again for your efforts to date to create such a process, and we hope you will seriously consider the modifications proposed by Ms. Caron. They represent proven best practices learned through experience in dozens of similar processes and we collectively believe they are the best path forward for Redondo Beach and its citizens.

    Thank you,
    Lauren Carpenter
    Chief Executive Officer, Embarc

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    ivana postachian at October 15, 2024 at 4:07pm PDT

    I am opposed to cannabis dispensaries in Redondo Beach and urge the City Council to pause all cannabis activity until safe product testing is in place, followed by implementing a delivery-only model to prevent the normalization of cannabis use for our youth.
    I do not want Redondo Beach with our award-winning RDUSD “best school district in Los Angeles” to be the only beach city with storefront dispensaries. I respectfully request that Councilmembers Nehrenheim and Obagi recuse themselves from voting due to accepting monies from the cannabis industry.

    I particularly feel offended that the City of Redondo Beach, after all other beach cities surrounding our community, rejected the approval of this type of business within their cities, are considering approving more cannabis dispensaries in our community.
    It is already a shame to observe everyday groups of young individuals “hanging out” in front of the SandBox Cannabis Dispensary at the corner of Artesia and Phelan, North Redondo Beach. This is a shame for our city and community. This represents a risk to all our children and future generations.

    Best regards,

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    Dennis McLean at October 15, 2024 at 3:40pm PDT

    Regarding Agenda Item L1, I OPPOSE a 0.50 and 0.75 FAR for BCHD and support a 1.25 uniform FAR for all public institutions, including BCHD. I SUPPORT the Staff recommendation to analyze a 1.25 FAR for BCHD and all public institutions in the EIR.

    I’ve read the well written staff report authored by our Community Development Director, Marc Weiner. I agree with Director Wener’s recommendation: that the City Council direct staff to prepare an analysis to evaluate the process of potentially updating the EIR to cover a 1.25 FAR at the BCHD site.

    I know a significant opposition to BC and its future Healthy Living Campus exists and I do understand why. Unfortunately, it appears that many beach city residents don’t know that BC provides more than 40 programs serving the elderly, adolescents & young adults, who benefit from case management by skilled social workers who provide intervention and on-going services for those experiencing substance abuse, dementia and Alzheimer’s, grief, child obesity, medical trauma and chronic loneliness. Additionally, volunteers (including my wife) provide support services like companionship connection, walking companions, student tutoring and running errands for those homebound. Our neighbors of all ages can participate in a wide range of programs like AdventurePlex, LiveWell Kids, Center for Health & Fitness, allcove Beach Cities youth wellness center, viewing Screenagers, yoga, massage therapy, stretch classes and personal training.

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    Brandon Bentley at October 15, 2024 at 3:37pm PDT

    I am opposed to cannabis dispensaries in Redondo Beach and urge the city council to pause all cannabis activity until safe product testing is in place, followed by implementing a delivery-only model to prevent the normalization of cannabis use for our youth. I do not want Redondo Beach with our award winning RBUSD “best school district in Los Angeles” to be the only beach city with storefront dispensaries.

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    Diane Pena at October 15, 2024 at 3:23pm PDT

    I STRONGLY oppose the sale of cannabis in Redondo Beach. Studies have shown that the presence of cannabis retail can lead to an increase in crime rates in surrounding areas. I'm concerned for our community and especially our kids that attend Redondo Beach schools. Despite age restrictions- cannabis can still end up in the hands of minors. I agree with others who have commented here that the "normalizing" of cannabis shops sends a message to our youth that it is acceptable. We have family that are in law enforcement and it is well known that cannabis is a gateway drug. Many who use cannabis are more likely to try other, stronger drugs. Cannabis is linked to various health concerns including mental health disorders and addiction. I strongly advise that we prioritize our community's well being over the potential revenue. We don't want this around our kids, our family and our beloved community.

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    Pastora Cayuri at October 15, 2024 at 2:37pm PDT

    I oppose the opening of two storefront cannabis shops in Redondo Beach.
    I am a resident of Redondo Beach. My grand children attend RUHS and Adams Middle School.
    I urge the city council and the mayor to pause all cannabis activity. The city should implement a "delivery only" model to prevent cannabis to become normalized among our youth in our community.

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    Emily Wahlund at October 15, 2024 at 2:36pm PDT

    I am for normalizing cannabis use.

    One of the big reasons it isn’t is because of stigma around it that dates back to the 1910 Mexican Revolution. Long story short: marijuana was made into the boogeyman by the US government because it came from countries that weren’t predominately white.

    Meanwhile, we normalized tobacco (vapes), alcohol, and prescription drugs – all which kill hundreds of thousands of people each year. Why? Because white people get rich off them (I’m looking at you Sackler family)

    It perplexes me that we’re still looking at cannabis as the boogeyman that we need to protect our children from. What about the 2 gun incidents last year at Redondo Union? If we want to really talk about protecting our children, let’s talk about that-- not the drug that modern research shows to have real medical benefits.

    I understand that folks want to "protect our children." I'm a mom, I want to protect my children, too. However, I don't see the direct correlation between cannabis storefronts and the safety of my children. What I do see is that they could bring in a load of tax dollars -- which could go to schools!

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    Emily Wahlund at October 15, 2024 at 2:36pm PDT

    I am for normalizing cannabis use.

    One of the big reasons it isn’t is because of stigma around it that dates back to the 1910 Mexican Revolution. Long story short: marijuana was made into the boogeyman by the US government because it came from countries that weren’t predominately white.

    Meanwhile, we normalized tobacco (vapes), alcohol, and prescription drugs – all which kill hundreds of thousands of people each year. Why? Because white people get rich off them (I’m looking at you Sackler family)

    It perplexes me that we’re still looking at cannabis as the boogeyman that we need to protect our children from. What about the 2 gun incidents last year at Redondo Union? If we want to really talk about protecting our children, let’s talk about that-- not the drug that modern research shows to have real medical benefits.

    I understand that folks want to "protect our children." I'm a mom, I want to protect my children, too. However, I don't see the direct correlation between cannabis storefronts and the safety of my children. What I do see is that they could bring in a load of tax dollars -- which could go to schools!

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    Agnes Phillip at October 15, 2024 at 2:16pm PDT

    I oppose the opening of two storefront cannabis shops in Redondo Beach.

    I am the mother of a RUHS student and an Adams Middle School student. Recently the RBUSD had the honor to be named “Best School District in the Los Angeles Area! As a parent, I am part of that success like every single parent in the RBUSD community. We feel very proud.

    I support delivery-only model like our sister cities Manhattan Beach and Hermosa Beach. which will bring the same amount of revenue to the city without the liabilities and most importantly it does not directly impact our youth.

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    Sharon Koay at October 15, 2024 at 2:14pm PDT

    I oppose the two storefronts for cannabis dispensaries in Redondo Beach and urge the city council to pause all cannabis activity until safe product testing is in place. The city should implement the sale to a "delivery only" model/option to prevent cannabis/marijuana to become normalized among our youths in the neighborhood.

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    Mai Truong at October 15, 2024 at 1:50pm PDT

    I have 2 school aged children in RB, and I strongly opposed to cannabis dispensaries in Redondo Beach and urge the city council to pause all cannabis activity until safe product testing is in place, followed by implementing a delivery-only model to prevent the normalization of cannabis use for our youth. I do not want Redondo Beach with our award winning RBUSD “best school district in Los Angeles” to be the only beach city with storefront dispensaries. Please protect the children and vote NO! on storefront dispensaries. We don’t need and don’t want dispensaries in our beautiful city!

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    Melissa Dechandt at October 15, 2024 at 12:46pm PDT

    Please take the responsible action and:
    1. PAUSE all cannabis ordinance activity until the safety of products released for sale is co formed by the CA State Department of Cannabis Conttrol.
    2. Implement a delivery only model as a win-win compromise; the city collects tax revenue (that is has been leaving uncollected since January of 2024), residents have safe access and the cannabis distributors are able to quickly respond to safety issues as needed.
    3. Direct city staff to research any of the many cities that are using a delivery-only model to determine potential revenue.
    4. Respectfully, council members Obagi and Nehrenheim must revise themselves; they have taken monies from the cannabis industry and ethically should not vote on any ordinance invilvibg potential cannabis operators who have provided funds to them.

    While CA residents voted in favor of Prop 64 legalizing cannabis, NO Redondo Beach resident has voted on storefront dispensaries in Redondo Beach..the current cannabis ordinance is being driven by our city council and seemingly countless cannabis operators eager to do business with our city. El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach and Palos Verdes have all said NO to storefront dispensaries. Let's not be the only outlier in our beautiful city with its award-winning, destination school district. Thank you.

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    Carolina Schwalbach at October 15, 2024 at 12:46pm PDT

    I am opposed to cannabis dispensaries in Redondo Beach and urge the city council to pause all cannabis activity until safe product testing is in place, followed by implementing a delivery-only model to prevent the normalization of cannabis use for our youth. I do not want Redondo Beach with our award winning RBUSD “best school district in Los Angeles” to be the only beach city with storefront dispensaries. There is good reason the other beach cities voted no.

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    Amy Huh at October 15, 2024 at 12:27pm PDT

    Please pause all cannabis ordinance efforts until safe product testing is confirmed and consider a “delivery-only” option. Please collect data from other cities that have had a delivery-only model in place. I request that councilmembers Zein Obagi and Nils Nehrenheim abstain from voting as they have accepted monies from the cannabis industry.

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    Paul Furie at October 15, 2024 at 12:20pm PDT

    I oppose the opening of two storefront cannabis shops in Redondo Beach.

    I am the father of 2 students in the RBUSD. I do not want Redondo Beach, with an award winning RBUSD “best school district in Los Angeles” to be the only beach city with storefront dispensaries. Having high visibility storefronts where our children frequently pass will normalize the idea of using cannabis for our children, and make it more likely that they will engage in illegal drug use.

    As an alternative, I support delivery-only model like Hermosa Beach, which will bring revenue to the city without a direct impact to our children.

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    Jill Klausen at October 15, 2024 at 12:15pm PDT

    I am strongly in favor of regulations for cannabis dispensaries in Redondo Beach. Citizens already approved opening two dispensaries, so enacting strong regulation is critical to keeping them safe for our community.

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    Jiyun Nam at October 15, 2024 at 11:57am PDT

    I am opposed to cannabis dispensaries in Redondo Beach and urge the city council to pause all cannabis activity until safe product testing is in place, followed by implementing a delivery-only model to prevent the normalization of cannabis use for our youth. I do not want Redondo Beach with our award winning RBUSD “best school district in Los Angeles” to be the only beach city with storefront dispensaries.

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    Flora Guevara at October 15, 2024 at 11:38am PDT

    I urge the City Council to oppose this. We don't want marijuana use to be normalized among our youth. This will give easier access to the youth which should not be allowed. Please say no!

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    Adriana Hernandez at October 15, 2024 at 10:34am PDT

    urge the city council to pause all cannabis activity until safe product testing is in place, followed by implementing a delivery-only model to prevent the normalization of cannabis use for our youth. I do not want Redondo Beach with our award winning RBUSD “best school district in Los Angeles” to be the only beach city with storefront dispensaries.