Meeting Time: April 16, 2024 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Steve Randall 8 months ago


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    Ryan Tucker 8 months ago

    oppose this proposal to transition fire services over to LA County Fire.

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    Michael Do 8 months ago

    I adamantly oppose the idea of removing our local FD and contracting with LA County. Why is this even up for discussion (again)? It passes no concept of logic:

    RB Resident Dissatisfaction w/Current Service Level: NO
    L.A. County Option Would Offer Better/Broader Services: NO
    L.A. County Option Would Offer Faster Response Times: NO
    L.A. County Would Result In A More Cost Effective Option: NO

    I want RB City Council to 1) be transparent about what the motive/driver is behind this proposal if the above does not pass muster, 2) explain to residents why this has yet to be put to bed after wasting years of time/money continuing to discuss it, 3) explain the fiscally irresponsible decision to put a $ million dollar fire engine into service last year knowing that they may be now voting to contract with LA County and 4) RESPONSIBLY RECUSE THEMSELVES IF ANY VOTING MEMBER(S) MAY HAVE A POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST!

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    Erika Snow Robinson 8 months ago

    KEEP RBFD LOCAL! So…y’all want us to save a buck now for a FUTURE of burdens (not very much) later? What about the RB RESIDENTS NOT wanting this do Mr. Light, NEHRENHEIM, Obagi, and Loewenstein NOT understand? From the lack of “get out the word,” it’s ALMOST like this cabal of four (five?) on our city council didn’t want residents to know that this MAJOR decision was being discussed tonite (thankfully Paige K DID let residents know!). NEHRENHEIM shoudn’t even be allowed to discuss this since his EMPLOYER is LA COUNTY FIRE DEPT. On what planet is this NOT a conflict of interest? STOP this nonsense. DO NOT pursue making RBFD go to LACo Fire. We all know the next thing LA County manages correctly would be THE FIRST thing LA County manages correctly and it’s not going to be our piddly fire department in their grand scheme of things once they get ahold of it. Our community would suffer physically (via level of service ESP in times of emergency) and FISCALLY by being at the mercy of the behemoth that is LA COUNTY. Stop acting in your own personal best interests and START doing what is RIGHT and in the BEST INTEREST for Redondo RESIDENTS. Make decisions that WE WANT instead of whatever scheme y’all are concocting behind the scenes for your own personal gains. This is LUDICROUS and NOT the best decision for Redondo. Though I dare say that should y’all make the switch to LACo Fire happen, I would gleefully watch as the ENTIRETY of Redondo FINALLY united together to oust almost every single one of you from our city council and the mayoral seat. (AND would finally be awake to the shenanigans that MANY of us have watched Brand’s Army members like Light, Loewenstein, Nehrenheim - and now Obagi - participate in for decades).

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    Hanh Archer 8 months ago

    Redondo residents have repeatedly opposed this proposal to contract fire services to LA County Fire Department. Maintaining local fire services within our City is prioritizing public safety first and in the best interest of our residents. I urge the Council to vote No on this matter. To do so otherwise is a contradiction to our self described city as a “full-service city with its own police, fire and public works departments, two public libraries, a performing arts center, 113 acres of parks, parkettes and playgrounds, a large recreational and commercial harbor including King Harbor, a 1,500-slip private craft port…”

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    Diane Lewis 8 months ago

    I definitely wish to keep our Fire Department local as do my neighbors on my block and surrounding streets in District 4...isn't it your job to carry out the wishes of residents. This has been voted on in the past, to keep the FD local ...why are you bringing it up again and again and again...

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    Vicky Oetzell 8 months ago

    I am against the RBFD being disbanded and going to Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACFD). It will eventually be more costly to our city, we will loose control of our high class firefighters and their dedicated quick action. HB went to county due to financial reasons, which we don't have any financial need at this time. But, in the future if we go to county, we might have financial problems. Do NOT go to county.

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    Ronni Do 8 months ago

    We need and love our local fire department! It makes no sense of why we would or should outsource to LA county! Not sure why this keeps coming up but hoping this will end this discussion for good! Please keep our fire department local and let’s focus on how our city can make money to improve our entire city!

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    Lisa Yacoubian 8 months ago

    I strongly oppose moving our fire services over to LA county. We must keep our fire services within our city.

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    John Aguilera 8 months ago

    We oppose this proposal to transition fire services over to LA County Fire.

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    Chandra Read 8 months ago

    I don’t know which is known for its stellar service with our community. Do not take away this lovely advantage we have and safeguard for our community.

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    Michael Ude 8 months ago

    I strongly oppose moving our fire dept to LA County. Redodno must keep their own resources and history of outstanding service to our community.

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    Peter Aziz 8 months ago

    The council majority constantly ignores Residents' will, specifically on this critical issue. The residents have expressed repeatedly that they are not interested in revisiting this issue to move our fire department to LA County. There is no benefit to this, and what are the costs when the council majority has bankrupted the city? Vote no to County and yes to LOCAL CONTROL of our Fire Department.

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    Minh Nguyen 8 months ago

    Having a local dedicated fire department is one of the main reasons we moved to Redondo Beach as we used to live in a city where we had LAFD.

    As residents of Redondo Beach - we want to keep our fire department local. We would vote to keep Redondo Beach Fire Department instead of outsourcing to Los Angeles County.

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    Sondra Segall 8 months ago

    Moving to county would mean higher costs; lower staffing levels; losing our Class I rating; and irrevocably sending our equipment and personnel to a giant bureaucracy from which we could never afford to buy it back. And for what? It doesn't save money - it would cost more for lower staffing levels.

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    Jeanne Sinsheimer 8 months ago

    I recommend we keep RBFD local. LA County will not put the needs of Redondo Beach first. Please vote no.

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    Glen Kau 8 months ago

    While there maybe initial savings, within a few years the savings will be gone and the contract increases will be coming. Check with any city that uses LA County safety services and you'll see the increases that are passed along to the residences. Please keep the Redondo Beach Fire Department a city sponsored service. I've for cities that use County services and they wish they could go back. Thank you.

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    Robert Casillas 8 months ago

    Keep RBFD local, it’s what’s best for this community! Vote NO on contracting from County

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    Sujei Sierra 8 months ago

    Please vote NO on contracting with LAFD! Keep RBFD local, there are no benefits to the alternative. We will have less dedicated staff here in the city, it will cost more money, and we lose control over the performance of the department. Please vote no!!!

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    Katie Vorsilak 8 months ago

    Why would we pay more for people who are not as invested in our community as our local firefighters? This is a bad idea.